Like it or not we all have to move at some point in our lives.  Whether you’re one of the lucky ones who have only had to move once or twice or you’re like me who has had to move numerous times in the course of life.

Here’s a few tips and tricks to help you get the best out of what could be a very stressful time in your life.  Adopt a few of these and perhaps your next move will not be quite as chaotic as your last and the transition a whole lot smoother!

Attitude Is Everything!

Since moving is a fact of life and your move is inevitable, why not approach it with a positive attitude.  Make your list and check it twice, okay, who are we kidding, we all know you have to check it several times, but take pride in crossing items off your to-do list as you get closer and closer to moving day.

Put On Some Tunes!

Crank up the music to entertain yourself while packing or unpacking. You can even create a packing playlist with tunes that will have you singing out loud and whistling while you work.  You should  AVOID the TV as  it will just be a distraction.

Best Decision Ever?

 If it’s in your budget, hire movers who pack and unpack for you.  We all just assume that we can't afford it but making a few calls, setting a budget and making a plan is well worth the time, less stress and less effort of having someone else literally do "the heavy lifting."

If you do hire movers, read over documents before signing anything and don't be afraid to ask questions if you are unsure of any aspect of the move.

Save, Save, Save!

Save money on your move by being flexible.  Opting for a mid-day or mid-week move can save you hundreds of dollars.

Smart Move!

 If you’re moving locally, arrange to have a couple of days of overlap on your leases or closing dates; this way you can make a few trips back and forth ensuring your new residence then you can make several trips with non-essentials in your car before using a moving truck to make more room in your old place for getting organized.

Give Notice!  

Change your address at least two weeks prior to moving.  This might seem like a no-brainer for utilities and bills, but don't forget to update other important things as well such as credit cards, your bank information, Amazon, PayPal and any monthly subscription accounts that automatically deliver to you.  Also remember to update your government ID e.g. driver's license and health card.

 Time To Eat Up!

Before your move, aim to eat up as much of the food you already have in your home so you don’t have to move it.  Plan meals with what you have in your fridge and pantry.  Be sure to donate unexpired, non-perishable food items to your local food bank.



Don’t stress trying to pack or unpack in a single session.  Instead, have a plan, put a timer on and focus on doing what you can within that time frame.  When the timer goes off, step away from the boxes and take a break.

Pack Your Suitcases!

Pack heavy items in suitcases since their handles and wheels make for easy transportation.  Use them for books and heavy serving dishes just to name a few.

Time For A Play Date!

If you’re moving and have small kids or pets, do yourself a favour and arrange a play date for the day of the move or get a sitter.  Arrange for them to hang out with friends, family or a paid sitter, this will free you up to attend to your moving to-do list and reduce a lot of stress for all involved.

 A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words

Take a picture of the back of your TV and entertainment system with all its  hook-ups. 


It can be difficult to remember how all the inputs are connected and where all those wires go. While everything is plugged in, take a picture of the back of your unit so you’ll know how to set it all back up later.  Use our cord tags (pictured above) to keep cords organized and easily identifiable.

All Screwed Up!

Use sandwich bags for small parts and items like screws and be sure to tape them to the item that they were taken out of.  Then when you are ready to assemble the items again, all relevant parts are together and there’s no need to go on a hunt for missing pieces.

Oh Snap!
It is also important if you're renting to take photos of your cleaned-out current home before you move out and hand back the keys.  Take photos as well of your new home before moving in.

This is essential if you ever hope to get your deposit back. It will save you major headaches with difficult landlords who charge you cleaning and repair fees unnecessarily when moving out.

Hang In There!

Leave your clothes on their hangersFor clothes that are already hung in your closet, a wardrobe box to transport them to your new home.  Alternatively,  you can take elastic bands and coil them around the head of the hangers, then make a hole in the closed end of large garbage bags to put the heads of the hangers through.  This will allow you to keep like minded items together and easily transfer them right into your new closet.

Colour Coded Goodness!

If you colour code your boxes and assign each room a matching colour, the movers or your helpers will be able to identify what goes where super quickly by simply matching the colour on the box to the colour posted on the outside of each room.



An easy way to implement this system, is with our colour coded moving labels that will simplify and make your next move a breeze. They also include Fragile Labels as well.

That’s Impressive!

Make a positive impression in your new neighbourhood.Use these stylish curbside labels for your recycling, garbage, and compost bins for instant curb appeal. Customize with your street name and house number and display your bins with pride. 


Save The Best For Last?

Nah, they’re all good but this final tip is by far one of our best nuggets -yet it is so simple. Put together a moving essentials bag. Pack a duffle bag or suitcase with the items you’ll need access to during your move and right after you’ve arrived at your new place, think medications, chargers, toothbrush and toothpaste, a few changes of clothes, towels, soap, shampoo, deodorant, pet food and important documents.  Put this bag into the trunk of your car so it doesn’t get moved or lost.

That’s A Wrap!  

Hope your next move is smooth and a little less stressful as you implement these tips and tricks.  Be sure to save and share this information and we’ll see you next time.

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